??? Weird Theory ???
1. The conclusion of this hypothesis is : the highly developed aliens from the other plant(s) MAY have made or triggered some of the strong shallow focus earthquakes in the world.
2. It is impossible for the modern science of human beings on the earth to explain how the earthquakes are made or triggered by the aliens.
3. There is not any contradiction between the modern scientific earthquake theory and this hypothesis, whatsoever.
4. The word "GOD" used in this hypothesis has different meanings from any descriptions of any religious scriptures, as it is defined in this hypothesis.
5. Only the existence of a possibility is discussed; the degree of the possibility is not discussed in this hypothesis.
6. Some typical earthquake cases that may support this hypothesis include :
(a) The active period of strong earthquakes in China from 1966 to 1976 during
which 9 strong earthquakes ( M > 7.0 ) had happened; " coincidently ", the
so called "Culture Revolution" in China was exactly happened within this period
of time. Among others, 240,000 people were killed by the TangShan Earthquake
( M = 8.0 , 1976 ). However, there is still not a generally accepted scientific
explanation for the origination of the force which induced the earthquake.
(b) The strong earthquake ( M = 7.1 ) happened in the former Soviet Union in 1988
which killed thousands of people; the occurring time and the epicenter of this
earthquake is " coincident " with the severe conflict between the two minority
nationalities of the former Soviet Union, and that period of time was crucial
for the negotiation between the former Soviet Union and the United States to
end the Cold War.
(c) The strong earthquake ( M = 7.2 ) happened in Japan in 1995 in which more than
5,000 people were killed. This earthquake is " coincident " with the time at
which many Asian countries had some kind of conflict with Japan because they
believe that Japan does not have the right attitude of repentance for their
war crimes in the Second World War, and the year of 1995 is " coincident "
with the 50th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War.
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