The Final Result of the Big Race

dragon While the Rat got its first position in the big race, all the other animals were struggling across the river towards the shore...

The Ox quickened his pace, and settled for the second place. Tiger sprung forward, his fur soaking wet, and behind him was Rabbit, hopping his best. Dragon stuck out his head from the clouds, roaring, "Here I am!".

The Horse was about to finish the race, with the Goat following closely behind him. But suddenly, from under their hooves rushed out the Snake! The Snake slipped ahead with a satisfied hiss.

Then Monkey, Rooster, and Dog tumbled across the finish line, right behind the Goat. The race was coming to an end...

The Heavenly God came down to see who had won. He counted them, "Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, and Dog...Eh? There are only eleven. We are one short."

At that very moment, Pig trotted in with a snort, "I'm starved!"

When all the winning animals were lined up, the dripping Cat rushed in, and shouting, "What place I am in ?". The Heavenly God said, "I am sorry, but you are too late. All the places have been filled."

The Cat went mad. He vowed, "You dirty Rat! I shall have no mercy for you!". From that day on, the Rat was the Cat's sworn enemy. This is why the Rat always hides during the day, coming out only at night --- because his old, old enemy, the Cat , fills him with fright! (^_~)

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